Crawford, Texas!

Sights Around Crawford

Jenna Bush's Western White House Wedding
Crawford News
2008 Western White House Easter Egg Roll
Past Western WH Easter Egg Rolls
Western White House Easter Egg Roll Photo Album
Operation Helping Hands
Support Our Troops and President Bush
Protest Photos: Camp Reality & Camp Casey
Sights around Crawford
On the way to the Ranch!
Up the road from the Ranch...
Spot and Barney's Scrapbook...
Foreign Visitors
All roads lead to Crawford!
Texas Home Cookin'
Campaign News
Condi 2008 Begins in Central Texas
My RNC Diary
2005 Presidential Inauguration
My personal page
Western White House Gifts


People and Places around Crawford, Texas

Entering the Crawford city limits

Bluebonnets along the countryside.

The Feed Mill as seen from the railroad tracks just off Lone Star Parkway (downtown's Main Street)

The old mill on the way to the Crawford Community Center (turn beside the Fina)

The old city jail...

Made of tin, with two cells no toilet. Must have been boiling inside on 100+ degree days!


 The Crawford Inaugural Ball
The President & First Lady attended the Crawford Inaugural Ball held at the Community Center. Country artists Dick and Johnny Gimbel provided Texas sounds for attendees to dance to. Ball organizer Shirley Westerfield was honored with a dance with the President.
Rock and roll legend Ted Nugent, ABC News White House correspondent Ann Compton and numerous local Republican leaders were on hand. Ned Snyder, close friend and Yale fraternity brother of President Bush, attended with his wife Dot.

Crawford's Natural Jewel... Tonkawa Falls

Tonkawa Falls in the park

At Crawford's "Support our Troops" rally in the park

Be sure to visit the "Cave" in the park


Friday night in Crawford, Texas is all about high school football!
Crawford High School athletics are top notch just like the Crawford School District. Crawford schools have had an Exemplary rating from the State of Texas for the last eight years. There are 281 students enrolled; 151 males and 130 females. The average class size is 16.9 students. 94 percent of the students graduate with 76 percent of the students attending higher education.
Crawford school children have had the opportunity to see history being made first hand. They participated in the forum at the High School with President Bush and Russian President Putin in November of 2001. President Bush visited the Crawford Elementary School and spoke to the students in August 2001. White House personel including former Press Secretary Ari Fleischer have participated in career day.

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History and information about President George W. Bush's hometown...Crawford, Texas.
All photos copyrighted by Valerie Duty Citrano, or  for those not taken by her, the original photographer . 
All rights are reserved.
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