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Visits to Crawford by Foreign Heads of State!


"Who would have ever thought" is the constant remark by people in Crawford! The world has come to this humble little town!

Crawford residents have had the pleasure to share in the great honor of President Bush's coveted invitations of foreign Heads of State to his Prairie Chapel Ranch. To be invited to Crawford is a great honor for these important leaders.

President Putin shakes hands with locals after landing in Waco

Crawford Post Master Doyle Lawless (center w/stripes) and his wife Shirley wait to greet Pres. Putin

"Boots and Suits" dinner menu

Russia's President Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin was the first foreign leader to visit Crawford. He and his wife arrived November 14, 2001 at the TSTC airport in Waco and was greeted by the patriotic music of Baylor's Golden Wave Band and a large crowd of well wishers including Texas Senator David Sibley and Baylor University President Robert Sloan.

Praise and worship at Antioch Community Church when hearing that Dayna and Heather had been rescued

Antioch missionaries freed from captivity
That evening, The Putin's were the Bush's guests of honor for a Texas Style "Boots and Suits" dinner. During their meal, President Bush recieved the news that Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer who had been held captive by the Taliban in Afghanistan were in the hands of US Special Forces. The two missionaries happened to be members of Antioch Community Church and had both attended Baylor University in nearby Waco. The church had kept round the clock prayer for the two and news spread quickly through the church community with hundreds of people praising God at the church as President Bush addressed the American people and shared the wonderful news.


Addressing the youth of Crawford
 President Putin and President Bush held a joint audience with the students at Crawford High School November 15th. "When I was in high school, Russia was an enemy," said President Bush. "Now the high school students can know Russia as a friend; that we're working together to break the old ties, to establish a new spirit of cooperation and trust so that we can work together to make the world more peaceful."
To the chagrin of the press in attendance, the students were the only ones allowed to ask the two leaders questions. The Crawford students did such a wonderful job that President Bush commented cheerfully that the press corps might be planting questions with the youth!
A student asked President Bush for his advice for the students as they go out into the world he said: "Listen to your mother. I do. Follow your dreams, would be my advice. Work hard; make the right choices; and follow your dreams. The other thingis, you never know where life is going to take you. I can assure you, when I was a senior in high school, I never sat in an audience saying, gosh, if I work hard I'll be President of the United States. Didn't exactly fit into my vocabulary in those days. But you never know. Trust the Lord, too."

British PM Tony Blair's visit

During a press conference in Crawford

Prime Minister Blair leaving Church wearing President Bush's jacket!

Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair visited Crawford in April 2002. During their joint press conference held at the High School, both leaders discussed Saddam Hussein and Iraqi reform. Mr. Blair was in mourning over the death of Britain's Queen Mother at the time, which threatened cancellation of his visit to Crawford. The Prime Minister and his wife attended St. Louis Catholic Church in Waco that Saturday evening to pray for her. When the motorcade arrrived at the steps of the church, there was a groom and his groomsmen having their wedding photos taken. Tony Blair was kind enough to pose with them and even stayed after mass to meet the bride and have photos taken with her as well! What a charming, down to earth man he is! We hope he comes back soon!

Saudie Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah


Saudie Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah visited the President at the ranch at the end of April 2001.

Spain's Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar

Spainish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar came to Crawford February 21- 22, 2003 to discuss terrorism and the situation in Iraq.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard visits Crawford and mingles with people in town!

Australian Prime Minister Howard's visit Downtown


Crawford has a new Australian 'mate'
Mr and Mrs Howard visited downtown Crawford where he purchased a "Friends & Allies" coffee mug that he gave the next day to British Prime Minister Tony Blair for his 50th birthday! They greeted the towns people and PM Howard even gave the 'mug' and t-shirt maker and owner of Western White House Gifts, Valerie Duty, a big hug and greeting saying "You and the mug are famous in Australia." The coffee mug became a favorite subject on Australian TV, radio and the front pages of several newspapers including the INSIDE EDITION insert that went to 10 million homes the Saturday before the visit.
For the T-shirt, coffee mugs, magnets and buttons commemorating the Prime Minister's visit to Crawford as well as most of the others, please visit

Chief Tidmore with Prime Minister Howard

Prime Minister Howard arriving at the shop with Crawford's Chief standing watch.

The Japanese Prime Minister arriving at the TSTC airport

Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi

Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi arriving at TSTC airport in Waco, Texas

Japanese PM's visit to the ranch
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited Crawford May 22 and 23, 2003 during the year of Japan's celebration of the beginning of their countries free trade. During Japan's Shogun era, there had been no trade done with other countries.
150 years ago, Commodore Matthew Perry, on the request of US President Fillmore, arrived on the shores of Japan and requested that the two governments begin trade. After much negotiation, the Treaty of Peace and Amity was signed in 1854 and the economy of both countries bloomed!
During PM Koizumi's visit, the President and Prime Minister had a lengthily conversation resting beside the pool at the ranch house, where they discussed the two largest countries continued economic growth along with the problems in North Korea.

Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi visits the ranch

Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi arriving at the ranch July 20, 2003 (Italain press office)

Crawford is pleased that Mexico's President Vicente Fox will be visiting President Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch in March!

Statement by the Press Secretary
Visit of President Vicente Fox of Mexico to Crawford

President and Mrs. Bush will welcome President Vicente Fox of Mexico and Mrs. Fox to their ranch at Crawford, Texas on March 5-6, 2004. Mexico is a good neighbor and our bonds of friendship are strong. Mexico is also a strong partner in our effort to keep North America secure. The President looks forward to extensive discussions with President Fox on important bilateral and regional issues.

This is a long awaited visit by President Fox. He declined an invitation to the ranch in August of 2002 in protest of the Texas execution of Javier Su�rez Medina, who had been convicted and sentenced to death in 1988 for the murder of undercover drug enforcement agent Lawrence Chain. The Mexican government had formally protested the execution because they believed it to be against an international treaty. At the time, the White House stated that the cancelled visit would not affect the relations between the two countries.
During the Summit of the Americas held in Monterrey, Mexico this January, the two leaders with a common boarder agreed on President Bush's plan to overhaul the United States immigration system. The plan would provide the opportunity to apply for legal status for temporary workers who have a job and a sponsoring employer. "This plan is not amnisty. I oppose amnisty because it encourages the violation of our laws and perpetuates illegal immigration," Bush stated at the Summit.
President Bush has traveled to Mexico four times since taking office. His first trip as President outside of the United States was a visit to his friend and neighbor President Vicente Fox's ranch in February of 2001.

Heads of State Visits ... A chronological list for reference

November 14-15, 2001   Russian President Vladimir Putin

April 5-7, 2002    British Prime Minister Tony Blair

April 25, 2002    Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah

August 27, 2002   Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar Bin Sultan

October 25, 2002    Chinese President Jiang Zimen

February 21-22, 2003   Spanish President Jose Maria Aznar

May 2-3, 2003   Australian Prime Minister John Howard

May 22-23, 2003 Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi

July 20-21, 2003   Italian Prime Minister Silvo Berlusconi

March 5-6, 2004   Mexican President Vicente Fox

April 12, 2004    Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak

November 24, 2004   King Juan Carlos And Queen Sofia Of Spain had a brief lunch at the ranch

March 23, 2005    Mexican President Vicente Fox, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in a Trilateral Summit held in Waco, Texas at Baylor University then headed to the ranch for lunch

April 11, 2005    Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon stayed overnight at the Hilton Hotel in Waco, Texas and went to the ranch for lunch

April 25, 2005    Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah met at the ranch for lunch after receiving dignitaries at his Dallas hotel, the Gaylord Texan (now King Abdullah)

August 4, 2005   Colombian President Alvaro Uribe

Many THANKS to ALL COUNTRYs that Stand for FREEDOM

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History and information about President George W. Bush's hometown...Crawford, Texas.
All photos copyrighted by Valerie Duty Citrano, or  for those not taken by her, the original photographer . 
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